What’s The Difference? Lash Lift Rods

Here at EFB often get asked
What’s the difference between a rod and a shield?
Which is better and which should I use?
The Answer is we love them both!
When choosing a rod there are a few things to consider:
Eye Shape – This will play a large role in determining whether to utilise a rod or a shield. Does your client have round eyes? Are they protruding? Hooded? Explore various eye shapes to drive your confidence in your rod or shield selection.
Desired Result – A great question to ask your Client is “Do you curl your lashes at home? and if so, how?” If they use an eyelash curler and take it right to the base of their lashes, they will most likely prefer the extreme shield. If they mention that they curl in sections for a more natural-looking curl, then your rod will be your go-to for this Client


These are the original option for lash lifting
These will give you a natural C-Curl and an impressive lift to the eye
The emphasis point of when using a rod is in the mid-section of the lashes, this is where the focus point will be when your lift/lamination is complete
Rods are great used for a person who has naturally long lashes that might require a Large or X-Large rod size who isn’t requiring more height; however, still looking for balance and symmetry with their naturally long lashes
Rods also work extremely well for clients with round shaped eyes as this will help to improve the overall appearance of not focusing on the round shape of their eye and potentially over exaggerating that area but complimenting the round shape with a soft curl.


These glorious tools will give you that VA-VA-VOOM to your lift or lamination that will make you say “hello lashes!”
Shields are impeccably known to create drama; they will help your lashes reach heights you never thought possible
With less of a curl and more of a lift and emphasis from the base of the lashes you will see your lashes transform.
Shields are wonderful for our shorter lash clients, clients who tend to require a small size shield as this really helps to elongate the lashes and give the most impeccable height.
Shields are also great used on a client with a slimmer almond shaped eye as this will help to open the eye and give height and balance not only to the lashes but also the eye shape.